Sayap-Sayap Mimpi by Sanggar Anak Akar


Sayap-Sayap Mimpi by Sanggar Anak Akar

by Ken Jenie


“Sayap-Sayap Mimpi”
Based on a true story of Sanggar Anak Akar, a local NGO in Jakarta that has provided education and promote child rights for impoverished children for 20 years.

This musical theater is directed by Ibe Karyanto, performed by children of Sanggar Anak Akar in collaboration with Indonesian renowned artist Titarubi and costume designer Retno Ratih Damayanti.

Time: 15:00 & 20:00
Ticket: IDR 75,000; IDR 100,000; IDR 150,000
Online booking:

All profits go to charity, you can also sponsor a kid to see this musical.
Intan 0812 9904 5037 (mobile)/ +852 932 742 72 (What’s App)

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