
A Perspective on Indonesia with Dr. Sandra Hamid

A former Tempo Magazine journalist, Dr. Sandra Hamid is the Country Representative at The Asia Foundation in Indonesia, the first national to ever hold this position. Graduating from Universitas Indonesia before getting her Phd in Cultural Anthropology in the University of Illinois, Dr. Hamid's lifelong passion for politics has translated in her work in advocating for Indonesian civil rights through the various programs at the Asia Foundation.


I Am Not an Essay

Essays are meant to be a reflection of an author's personal point of view. But how much self-thought can an essayist pour without becoming self-indulgent? Our literary enthusiast Dwiputri Pertiwi invites us to understand the constitution of a good essay.


Part VI: Muka Bumi

Set in Jakarta, Khairani Barokka (Okka) introduces us to a dystopian world where people live with no reminders of history or appreciation of the past. A bleak world that revolves among two central characters of a grandmother and her granddaughter seeking to find meaning of the world they live in.


Architecture and Literature with Avianti Armand

There is a sense of gracefulness in every word and movement Avianti Armand displays. Maybe it stems from her childhood interest in dancing or maybe it's the way she eloquently charms people through her thoughtful opinions. Either its her persona or her body of work, Avianti Armand has consistently caught our attention as a prolific writer and architect. Whiteboard Journal had a chance to visit her at the comfortable home she and her husband designed and call 'Rumah Kampung'.


Art Across the Sea

On her recent visit Japan, our avid art enthusiast, Mitha Budhyarto shares her eye opening experience in one of Japan's promising art festival, the Setouchi Triennale. Despite the common idea of exhibitions being held in an indoor gallery, In this piece, we learn how the coastal area of “Setouchi” region challenges the ordinary contemporary art spaces.


Film Craftmanship with Mouly Surya

With two films under her belt, "Fiksi" and "What They Don't Talk About When They Talk about Love," film director Mouly Surya has already gained remarkable recognition internationally at Sundance for her distinctive approach in storytelling. We had the chance to visit her at her office to talk about her background and craftsmanship as a filmmaker. For those who missed out a chance on watching her film, Whiteboard Journal will have a special screening this Saturday, 27 July 2013 at W_Space.

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