Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared: 2 by Blink Industries


Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared: 2 by Blink Industries

by wjournal


“Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared: 2” is the second instalment to the first short video of Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared, created by the Blink Industries in collaboration with Channel 4 and Dazed, created and directed by Becky Sloan and Joseph Pelling. If you’ve seen the first Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared video, you’ll know that you’re in for a treat for the second one. This video is pretty much about a seemingly harmless children’s show, only to provide a “special” surprise in the end. What started with a bunch of Muppet characters about to watch their show, soon is disturbed by a new clock form character that wants to explain to them about time in song, the ending turns for the worst when a lot of weird things happen like the characters’ skin peeling off and melting from their bodies.

The overall concept of the video itself was interesting in that it includes a different mix of things that doesn’t seem to make sense, which gives a unique experience to the viewers and is definitely something to remember. The imagery is unique as well, creating a whole Muppet experience and providing good animation. However, it gave off a feel of The Simpsons and Family that don’t really make any sense and no story line, but then again, most popular cartoons are like that these days.

This is the part of the video that manages to gain a good element of surprise. It definitely catches you off guard by mixing two contrasting elements of innocence and horror and gore. It creates a unique and somewhat disturbing blend, leaving a disturbed feeling of having seen somebody being mutilated right in front of you.

Having seen the first Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared though, it ruins the surprise at the end because I knew what to expect and it really wasn’t as creepy or interesting as the first. As a sequel, I feel they could have done much better.

Text by Cesilia Faustinawhiteboardjournal, logo