SIgmun on The Wknd Session


SIgmun on The Wknd Session

by Ken Jenie


Perhaps it’s each of the personnels’ strong affinity and bond towards the song that makes Sigmun’s music deliver a very deep and beautifully haunting performance. The highly skilled guitar and drum playing plus the impressive high-pitched voice of vocalist Haikal definitely highlights their excellent performance at our very own W_Space.

This Bandung-based rock band played three songs in this session: In Horizon, Long Haul, and Valley of Dreams. Consisted of Haikal Azizi (vocal/guitar), Nurachman Andhika (guitar), Mirfak Prabowo (bass) and Risyad Tabattala (drums), the name “Sigmun” itself is derived from the famous neurologist Sigmund Freud due to their fascination upon his defense mechanism theory and unconscious mind. In its interview with The Wknd Sessions, Sigmun mentioned that they are intrigued by the idea that there are elements in our body that we are unaware of; and Sigmun tries to dig up those ideas by creating music.

Check their performances and interview out on The Wknd website!

article written by: Siti Hartinah Putri

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