Paper Marbling Workshop by Yonaz Kristy


Paper Marbling Workshop by Yonaz Kristy

by Febrina Anindita


Date: Saturday, 30 April 2016
Time: starts at 14:00
Place: Graha Purna Wira
Fee: IDR 400,000 (materials included, but participants encourage to bring 3D object such as HP casing, mug, jam, glasses, toys, or anything – free entry to Catalyst Art Market 6)
Registration: (subject: workshop paper marbling)

In this workshop, you will learn two methods of paper marbling: Suminagashi the Subtle and Marbling the Experimentalist. Both are the process of transform ink into delicate organic swirls.

Suminagashi the Subtle allows you to use the repetitive process as a way to reconnect with the nature and calming yourself, thus good for meditation. While Marbling the Experimentalist allows you to be the mad scientists of the unlimited marbling world.whiteboardjournal, logo