UNKNOWN ASIA Executive Committee


UNKNOWN ASIA Executive Committee

by Muhammad Hilmi


「digmeout」,FM802 art project, and「ASIAN CREATIVE NETWORK(ACN)」are planning the art fair「UNKNOWN ASIA」. It is an event where next-generation creators get together at the same time.
The event will be held at the Osaka City Central Public Hall, This landmark of Osaka is a beautiful piece of modern architecture. International creators and reviewers gather in this landmark to exchange ideas and get a chance to take off to unknown Asia.

The fair offers 120 teams of creators from Japan, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Korea, Thai- land, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia and more. It is a public fair of any genre of art, design, photography, Illustration and more.

People want to see unknown talent. Your participation opens the door to Asia.
FM802のアートプロジェクト「digmeout」、「ASIAN CREATIVE NETWORK(ACN)」が共同で企画し、国内、アジア各地からクリエイターが集うアートフェア「UNKNOWN ASIA」を開催します。


– Key Point of UNKNOWN ASIA –

We offer the grand prix to exhibit works abroad.

The purpose of「UNKNOWN ASIA」is to support next-generation creators’success over borders. Not only do participants exhibit and sell their works but also it is an opportunity where gallerists, producers and art directors collaborate with participants. Finally we offer the grand prix to exhibit works abroad. (Details will be decided after consulting with the Executive Office)
「UNKNOWN ASIA」は、次世代を担うクリエイターの国を超えた活躍のサポートを目的としています。参加者が作品を展示・販売するだけではなく、ギャラリストやプロデューサー、アートディレクターがコラボレーションできる作家を探す場でもあります。グランプリ受賞者には海外のアートフェア、ギャラリー等での作品展示の機会を提供します。(詳細は運営事務局と協議の上、決定)
Key person of Japan and Asia review

Friday, October 16, a preview event for exhibitors, reviewers and authorized people will be held. Reviewers from Asian countries can evaluate the artwork with each exhibitor. (There is an intent to award a reviewer prize.) After the event, a reception for authorized people will be held.
Reviews By Key People From Japan And Around Asia

On Friday, October 16th, we will be holding a preview session for the exhibited artists, reviewers, and staff before the exhibition is open to the public. For this session, select producers, directors, and gallery staff, from various Asian countries, will act as judges, sit across from the exhibited artists, and politely evaluate their works (A review prize is also expected.). For the exhibited artists, this is an important chance at their possible next career. Furthermore, after the review has concluded, a private party for those involved will be held.
日本のみならず、アジア各国のメディアへ「UNKNOWN ASIA」をリリースします。各国のレビュアー、プレスにアピールできるよう、出展が決定した作家のプロフィールを事務局が日本語、英語、中国語の多言語で作成します。

Exhibitors wanted! (Application deadline: 7/31)
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