Gimme 5: Film Klasik Pilihan Asmara Abigail


Gimme 5: Film Klasik Pilihan Asmara Abigail

Dari “Cinema Paradiso” hingga “Metropolis”.

by Ghina Sabrina


Foto: Erik Wirasakti / Setan Jawa

Pertama kali muncul di layar kaca sebagai Asih di film bisu “Setan Jawa” garapan Garin Nugroho, Asmara Abigail lalu menarik perhatian khalayak ramai lewat karakteristiknya yang unik. Menguasai berbagai teknik tari seperti flamenco dan tango, ia pun sering menampilkan kemampuannya dalam peran-peran yang ia ambil dalam dunia modelling hingga perfilman. Namun, seni tari bukanlah satu-satunya hal yang melekat pada identitas Asmara, tetapi juga kecintaannya terhadap film klasik yang tak lekang oleh waktu. Oleh sebab itu, kami meminta Asmara untuk memberikan film klasik pilihannya.

Cinema Paradiso – Giuseppe Tornatore (1988)

Nothing can describe my feeling for “Cinema Paradiso”, it is a life of cinema, it is the love for cinema, the way film captured life and put it inside as a work of art and moves the feelings toward the audience. This is one of my favorite films ever and “Cinema Paradiso” always moves my heart every single time.

La Dolce Vita – Federico Fellini (1960)

How Roman people lives in Rome, with the grand gestures and culture, when Anita Ekberg entered the Trevi Fountain we know exactly that it is going to be written in cinema history.

8 1/2 – Federico Fellini (1963)

Well Fellinisim probably will always be my favorite word to describe a way of life. Fellini has his own style to describe his theatrical universe in cinema languages. And “8 ½” is one of the best work of art put in together as a film.

Metropolis – Fritz Lang (1927)

Well can you imagine a sci-fi genre made in 1927 with german expressionism? It is beyond. Whatever that is happening right now or will be in the future they were imagining it in the 20’s. And when this film escaped the Nazi era after the footages was destroyed and amputated, in the end the complete length was  found in Buenos Aires in 2008.

Casablanca – Michael Curtiz (1942)

The scene where Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman were looking at each other because they now they have to say goodbye, but the love will always remain, with Dooley Wilson singing and playing piano of “As Time Goes By”. Another film with Nazi era as the backbone story.whiteboardjournal, logo