Ide dari Tempat Potong Rambut Membawa Daniel Kaluuya untuk Menulis Film Pertamanya untuk Netflix
“I saw the potential to unlock a unique story door to the inequality, fatherhood, class, joy, resilience, courage, defiance, and care of London.”

Teks: Nancy Rumagit
Foto: Quil Lemons/Vanity Fair
Pemenang Piala Oscar, Daniel Kaluuya, tengah dalam pengerjaan untuk proyek terbarunya di belakang kamera, “The Kitchen”. Produksi yang akan ditayangkan pada tahun 2023 ini akan diluncurkan oleh Netflix bersama penulis-penulis lain seperti Joe Murtagh, Kibwe Tavares, dan Daniel Emerson, dengan Michael Fassbender sebagai salah satu executive producer.
Berikut adalah logline untuk “The Kitchen”:
“‘The Kitchen’ is set in London, 2044, a future where the gap between rich and poor has been stretched to its limits. All forms of social housing have been eradicated and London’s working classes have been forced to live in temporary accommodation on the outskirts of the city, ‘The Kitchen’ is the first and the largest of its kind, it’s London’s last village harboring residents that refuse to move on and move out of the place they call home. It’s here we meet Izi (Kane Robinson), a resident of the kitchen who is desperately trying to find a way out and 12-year-old, Benji (Jedaiah Bannerman), who has lost his mother and is searching for a family. We follow our unlikely pair as they battle to survive in a system that is stacked against them.”
Kaluuya mengatakan bahwa ia mendapatkan ide untuk cerita ini pada tahun 2011 di sebuah tempat potong rambut. “I saw the potential to unlock a unique story door to the inequality, fatherhood, class, joy, resilience, courage, defiance, and care of London.”
Meski ini merupakan proyek pertama Kaluuya sebagai penulis dengan Netflix, Kaluuya pun telah menghasilkan sejumlah karya lain di bawah peran screenwriter, di antaranya dua film pendek berjudul “Two Single Beds” dan “The Swarm”, serta sejumlah episode untuk serial “Skins”.
“I feel blessed and honored that my first co-writing film credit is with this inspiring group of creatives, and with the support of Film 4 and Netflix. All of us are excited to watch Kibwe’s incredible, cinematic, electric vision come to life, and to create a moment that audiences want to take with them,” ujarnya.
Selain “The Kitchen”, Kaluuya pun memiliki proyek lain bersama Jordan Peele yang akan segera hadir di bioskop. Tonton trailer untuk “NOPE” di sini: