Things We Like: Current Obsessions


Things We Like: Current Obsessions

Kumpulan current obsessions yang timbul akhir-akhir ini.

by Whiteboard Journal


Pada “Things We Like” kali ini, kami meng-highlight ragam aktivitas favorit semasa berdiam di rumah. Dengan semakin banyak waktu untuk diri sendiri, pastinya timbul obsesi-obsesi baru yang dapat menghibur. Oleh karena itu, kami mengumpulkan current obsession yang dirasakan akhir-akhir ini. Dari karya Egon Schiele, game, grup musik, hingga makanan, berikut adalah beberapa pilihan kami.

Managing Editor




Sudah beberapa bulan ini maag kambuh. Nyerinya datang dan pergi, tapi beda dengan dulu, kali ini pedihnya semakin menyembilu (cailahhh). Sudah beberapa waktu ngerasa ada nyeri yang lingering di perut, lama-lama buat sendawa kok sakit, cegukan apalagi. Pula di akhir pekan biasanya jadi demam dan nggak bisa ngapa-ngapain. Pas periksa ke dokter spesialis gastroenterologi, ternyata ada luka di lambung. Kemarin intensif minum obat dan enakan, sayangnya minggu lalu kambuh lagi ditambah sesak napas (tenang, bukan COVID) yang juga datang karena lambung mendesak diafragma ke atas. Capek jadinya. 

Tahun 2020 sudah cukup suram, tapi sakit perut ini membuat semuanya jadi hitam. Semoga bisa segera pulih dari sakit ini, Tuhan. Udah capek cuma bisa jadi anduk basah di rumah. 

Editorial Staff


NCT + SuperM + WayV


WAH! Gw kayak kesirep nih. Ngulik NCT di Oktober gara-gara teman-teman pada post aset foto video “Make A Wish”. Ya udah gw coba dengerin dan ternyata nempel! Lalu tentu saja kan ya mata fokus ke Jaehyun, walau kemudian beralih ke Taeyong. Mulai lah gw masukin dunia NCT, lalu SuperM dan WayV. 

Dalam waktu sebulan gw udah hapal nama, muka dan nama 23 member NCT dan SuperM. Lalu sampai hari ini gw udah beli 6 album NCT – termasuk album yang terbaru. Trus gw mulai tertarik kumpulin photocard. OMG who am I? LMAO. Walau belum bisa menentukan ultimate bias karena semuanya cantik, tampan, talented dan charming, tapi gw cinta banget HAHAH.

Berikut urutan bias NCT gw, yang tiap minggu bisa berubah:

– Johnny
– Taeyong
– Doyoung
– Mark
– Jaehyun
– Lucas
– Jaemin (haduh)

Sungguh bikin happy, guys ngulik Korean music. Thank you especially to NCT for saving my life! Nggak sabar “Resonance Pt. 2” nih. Timelinenya padat lol. Probably it’s the only timeline I’m excited about this year!

Editorial Staff


Horror TikTok


I love exploring anything creepy and eerie and thanks to TikTok I could watch even more (real or fictional) stories about hauntings, psycho killer, or just straight up weird shit just by scrolling. The more localized the content, the better!! 


ngapain diceritain anjg…. ##fypindonesia ##horror

♬ original sound – couchiephart

Editorial Staff


Egon Schiele 


Konsep aktivitas gue masih sama kayak sebelumnya, yaitu mau kurangin screentime dan coba fokus ke hal-hal yang bisa occupy my time so i am not alone with my thoughts :). Anyway, gue lagi mencoba untuk redecorate kamar gue biar lebih nyaman sebagai living space dan fungsional as a working space juga. Obviously I already feel like I’m on the road to becoming the next Andra Matin but we won’t get into that

Salah satu hal that I’m obsessed with now is art; how to make art and how I can have nice things on my wall without spending a fortune. Selain belajar watercolours and (lol) line art, I decided to invest in some prints from one of my favorite artists, Egon Schiele. Now, Gustav Klimt is my master, my art Dom, and since Schiele was his apprentice you can see a lot of that reference in his works. Klimt’s art is a bit too colourful for the look I’m going with in my room so Schiele is the perfect compromise. Some people have called them the masters of sex and death – two things very much relevant during this (well… my) period in time. 

His drawings are simple and profound. Thankfully the prints aren’t that expensive, jadi masih bisa dicapai. Idk man, his art just makes me really happy, jadi gue pantengin terus aja. I mean with all the shopping I’ve been doing maybe you can say that my current obsession is being a financially irresponsible brat. But hey, it makes me happy, and it’s pointless to be obsessed with things that don’t make you happy, right? 

Heart Attack


Ghost of Tsushima


Finally I get the chance to experience this!!! Credit goes out to my friend who let me play for a couple missions, though I still need to hone my combat skills, but hey not bad for an amateur gamer like me. So this is what Samurai life looks like (or imagined like) eh? I’m totally sold & guess I might actually get a proper PS console for this. YEP.

Graphic Design


Nasi Ayam ORI


Nasi Ayam Ori adalah nasi dengan ayam panggang dan sambal bawang yang sangat teramat enaaaak!!! Awal-awal gue discover makanan ini, gue pernah 4 hari berturut-turut pagi dan siang makannya Nasi Ayam ORI. Tiap makan ini pokoknya langsung instant joy 😭❤️ Enak banget deh, ga boong. 

Bamboo Twist


Osmanthus Tea


Been drinking this fragrant flower. It’s similar to chamomile but with stronger taste and lots of benefits. This flower is used in many food recipes as well as beauty products. Mix this with strong, black tea or Chinese tea (oolong, guan yin, pu-erh) and you get a kick of aroma and sweetness. Add a pinch of white chrysanthemum to it and you get a rich, tasting brew in your cup.whiteboardjournal, logo