Things We Like: Dari Minggu Pertama Februari


Things We Like: Dari Minggu Pertama Februari

TV show, musik hingga majalah yang kami sukai.

by Whiteboard Journal


Kembali lagi dengan “Things We Like”. Di dalam program ini, kami mengumpulkan hal-hal yang sedang disukai oleh tim Whiteboard Journal berikut alasannya. Dari TV show terbaru dari Alexa Chung dan Tan France, komposisi musik dari Philip Glass, issue terbaru dari majalah Monocle, hingga film personal dari Shia LaBeouf, berikut adalah “Things We Like” dari minggu pertama Februari.



Sarah Mary Chadwick – When Will Death Come (Song/Video)


Here’s an early contender for my favorite song of 2020. Sarah Mary Chadwick just released a new album, Please Daddy, on Synderlin Records, and its single, “When Will Death Come” is a beautiful 4-plus minute ballad. Her voice is captivating how it can be both powerful and fragile at the very same time, soaring and emotive as she sings “But when will death come? When will he take me from here?”. Putting context to the song, the video stars familiar faces in funny, awkward, frustrating situations that I am sure more than a few of you can relate to. Beautiful song, good video, watch it below. The album is worth a listen too.

Managing Editor


Next in Fashion


Never been a fan of TV shows about fashion design competition, but then this one is just the right TV show to binge-watch. Nonton ini awal mulanya karena host-nya adalah the OG “it” girl, Alexa Chung, dan one of The Fab 5 of Queer Eye, Tan France. Setelah beberapa episode ternyata jadi invested sama kontestan-kontestannya. Their designs are very good! Soalnya kebanyakan dari mereka memang udah berpengalaman di industri, beberapa bahkan udah punya label sendiri. Dramanya juga gak lebay dan dibuat-buat, jadi makin enak buat diikutin. Luv it!

Editorial Staff


Coffee with Moonshine


Pada trip ke Jogja weekend kemarin untuk keperluan persiapan event Ku Rasi Rasa (7 MARCH 2020, dateng ya all), gue bersama anak-anak Lazy Susan dan Whaton House pergi ke tempat di mana Pondoh diproduksi. Untuk yang belum tau, Pondoh itu minuman hasil fermentasi salak pondoh yang mungkin sudah menjadi salah satu minuman favorit anak-anak skena underground di sana maupun di Jakarta. 

Di sana, gue diberikan guided tour tentang cara pembuatan Pondoh dari awal sampai akhir, nyobain jenis-jenis Pondoh dari yang premium sampai yang dibuat dengan ragi buatan sendiri (jauh lebih enak!), nyobain juga produk Moonshine (liquor dari Pondoh yang didistilasi) dari yang rasa original sampai yang infused. 

TAPI, yang paling mengesankan itu adalah kopi yang disuguhkan setelahnya. Black coffee diseduh dengan sedikit kental manis, terus ditambah beberapa sendok Moonshine. Enak banget, bikin seger.

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Editorial Staff





Art Director


Oversimplified – World War 1


Weekend ini nonton 1917! So yes, spectacular filmmaking, Sam Mendes is a genius, DOP Roger Deakins is a legend, etc. Tapi pertanyaan yang paling utama adalah: “Sebetulnya Perang Dunia I tuh tentang apa ya mak?” dan “Ngapain ye tentara ini pada ongkang-ongkang kaki di selokan raksasa??”

So I spent my night looking for explainers, because this is 2020 and nobody got time to read an entire Wikipedia page. Ada banyak sih konten video yang keren banget tentang Perang Dunia I aka The Great War. Banyak yang bilang ini perang dunia yang sering terlupakan. Katanya ini perang terakhir yang masih pake blunt force, dan kalo kata Ken ini perang terakhir yang masih membela monarki??? 

Tapi video ini menyajikan jawaban yang paling menyenangkan, paling gampang dipahami, dan paling gemes. Nonton deh. History is fascinating! 

Graphic Design


Mystic River


I know, I know.. It’s a 2003 movie. Where have you been, Za?!

But give me a break, I was 7 when it came out, and i’ve been avoiding Mystic River because the title totally sounds like a horror movie (to which i draw the line. bloody murder, yes! supernatural creature, big no!). This weekend, I was running low on crime thriller movies to watch, so I decided to revisit Mystic River’s synopsis, and to my surprise, there were no ghosts involved! I jumped on it, right then and there.

It’s a classic whodunnit that touches upon a bit of a taboo topic so you get this uneasy feeling throughout the movie. Plus, you get to see a star studded cast (Kevin Bacon?? Sean Penn?? ) and their oscar worthy performance.

If you haven’t already, go watch it now! better late than never.

Graphic Design


Philip Glass’s Composition


As I commute everyday, the noise that comes with it is quite disturbing. From vehicle horn, people voice calling loudly on the bus, and some strangers ranting about the bus is too packed with people.My escape is through spotify. And recently, I discovered minimalism school of composition. And one of the pioneers that developed this music is Phillip Glass.

Philip Glass’s work is mesmerizing, with the use of repetitive tones, Philip Glass creates a narrative that could be felt when linked with your memory and daydream. One song could make you imagine a tragic scene, and the other could take you to a nice stroll at the park. All of this while you’re commuting.

Marketing & Partnerships


Monocle Issue 130


The issue 130 is all about living a gentler life, and reconnecting with life’s simple pleasures, something that I totally need to be reminded of. 

One of the best pieces from this issue would probably be Tyler Brûlé’s editor’s letter. The “At the Front” section is one of the things that I most look forward to whenever Monocle release their latest issue, but this particular editor’s letter is quite a slap in the face. Tyler talked about the moment he got jealous of his friend’s morning regime, and how it inspired him to create the February issue’s theme.

You can take a peek of their latest issue here.

Bamboo Twist


Horse Girl


This sleepy, surreal indie drama is quite good. The depiction on loneliness and isolation is very on point. The dwindling mental state of the girl is also quite uneasy to watch. You kinda want to root for her since she’s so sweet but at the same time, she’s so detached. I love the setting of a quaint American suburban with its strip mall, townhouse apartment, and town’s fitness center. 

Watch it on Netflix.



Honey Boy (2019)


I’ve been following Shia’s career journey ever since “Disturbia”. For me, there’s something oddly fascinating from his personality as an artist and a person. Watching him taking all those roles all these years and getting all wound up in personal-life troubles, felt like watching a man trying to speak up about something personal, but got so held back at the same time.

Fast forward to his latest piece, “Honey Boy”, which pretty much depicted his relationship with his emotional & intellectually-abusive dad and, generally, his childhood story (that apparently has been self-recognised as the core reason of his mental health issue), I found this movie as an honest, by far, best piece (not artistically) he’s ever made in his whole career. The fact that he wrote this story during his rehab and after found out the reason behind his addiction towards alcohol wasn’t bc what he kept believing; that he’s an alcoholic, but rather because he got PTSD from his childhood, that really got me. 

It takes beyond courage to tell that story to the world, especially when you can do it through something you’re good at.whiteboardjournal, logo