In The Crosshairs: Using Comics to Tackle Social Issues


In The Crosshairs: Using Comics to Tackle Social Issues

by Febrina Anindita


Featuring: Aji Prasetyo, Carlo Vergara, Foo Swee Chin, Nguyễn Thành Phong
Moderated by: Roy Ablah

Date: 24 Sep, 2017
Time: 10.30am – 11.45am
Venue: Play Den, The Arts House
Tickets: $10; $8 (students and senior citizens); $38 Forum Pass | Get your tickets here

Are comics meant for only escapist reading? What if the creators take a moral or philosophical point of view? Would they risk alienating their readers? This panel looks at how comics can reflect the social issues prevalent around us, and how this popular medium can be used to tackle hot-button topics.whiteboardjournal, logo