Disney+ Merilis Serial “Star Wars: The Bad Batch”


Disney+ Merilis Serial “Star Wars: The Bad Batch”

Episode baru serial tersebut akan hadir tiap hari Jumat mulai tanggal 7 Mei.

by Whiteboard Journal


Teks: Daniet Dhaulagiri
Foto: Disney+

Dalam merayakan Star Wars Day atau May the 4th, Disney+ merilis sebuah serial orisinal dalam semesta Star Wars.

“Star Wars: The Bad Batch” berlangsung setelah Clone War dan “follows the elite and experimental clones of the Bad Batch (first introduced in ‘The Clone Wars’) as they find their way in a rapidly changing galaxy.”

Deskripsi dari serial tersebut menjelaskan, “Members of Bad Batch — a unique squad of clones who vary genetically from their brothers in the Clone Army — each possess a singular exceptional skill which makes them extraordinarily effective soldiers and a formidable crew. In the post-Clone War era, they will take on daring mercenary missions as they struggle to stay afloat and find new purpose.

Serial berdurasi 70 menit tersebut telah tayang secara perdana pada tanggal 4 Mei lalu, disusul dengan episode barunya yang akan hadir setiap hari Jumat mulai tanggal 7 Mei. Tambahan dari Disney+ juga yakni mereka merilis “Maggie Simpson in ‘The Force Awakens From Its Nap’”. Sebuah film pendek baru tersebut terinspirasi dari Star Wars.whiteboardjournal, logo