Things We Like: Wish List


Things We Like: Wish List

Kumpulan barang pilihan yang ingin dibeli.

by Whiteboard Journal


Pada “Things We Like” kali ini, kami meng-highlight ragam aktivitas favorit semasa berdiam di rumah. Tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa dalam situasi seperti ini, aktivitas belanja menjadi semakin tinggi frekuensinya. Namun, tentunya masih ada banyak hal yang masuk dalam wish list kita karena satu dan lain hal. Oleh karena itu, kami mengumpulkan sederet barang yang ingin kami beli. Dari rilisan game console terbaru, sepatu, alat masak, hingga pedal gitar, berikut adalah beberapa pilihan kami.



Hologram Electronics – Microcosm


For musicians who are into effect pedals, the now – right now, is a golden age for mangling your instrument signal. I’ve been looking for gear to inspire songwriting, and Hologram Electronics’ latest offering, Microcosm, might just be the addition to my pedal collection that I need. It loops, it glitches, it creates granular delay, heck, it can probably write songs on its own. Retailing at a hefty 450 Dollars, I will probably not get it, but will humbly accept it as a gift (lol).

Managing Editor


PS 5/Xbox Series S


Sejujurnya masih puas sama Nintendo Switch dengan portability-nya yang juara. Tapi sering kesel sama developer game yang tidak melihat Switch sebagai platform untuk game-game flagship. Akhirnya jadi fomo dengan game-game “serius” di PS dan Xbox. Melihat bagaimana dua konsol ini bertarung untuk memperebutkan pasar game yang semakin besar, ingin punya salah satu (atau dua-duanya?) dari PS 5 dan Xbox seri terbaru. Cuma ada dilema yang bikin bingung, nggak suka bentuk desain PS 5, lebih suka desain Xbox yang lebih aman, walau kita semua tahu kalau secara roster game, PS pasti lebih seru. Itu dilema pertama. Dilema kedua adalah berapa lama nabung buat bisa beli? Dilema ketiga, dan ini paling esensial, kalaupun kebeli konsolnya, kapan punya waktu buat main gamenya?

Lifestyle Editor


Dakota Johnson’s Home


OK, maybe not her *home* home. Tapi, rumahnya Dakota Johnson adalah moodboard gue kalau nanti (mudah-mudahan) bisa beli rumah sendiri. I mean, look at that homey kitchen, pretty patio, and beautiful sun reflection from the pool to the living room. And the fact that she practically lives in the middle of a jungle since her home is surrounded by so much greenery. Who wouldn’t want that?! 

Udah berkali-kali nonton video ini dan gak pernah bosen. Meskipun kesannya muluk (dan lumayan ngayal halu ya), tapi semoga beberapa tahun ke depan bisa punya rumah yang mirip kaya rumahnya mbak Dakota Johnson hehe. 

Editorial Staff




– Waduh kalau ditanya mau apa, ada banyak nih:
– Bermacam storage IKEA buat rapiin kamarBlackout curtain
– Kursi kerja Autonomous ErgoChair 2
– Air purifier
– Moodybaker semua menu
– Mahija petals silver
– Mahija balla silver
– Fully-manual turntable

Editorial Staff


Beoplay a9 and an original Eames Lounge Chair


Can I just have good furniture? Is that too much to ask? Imagine being able to sit on that after a long day or when you have your break, and then you listen to your favorite piece of music coming from that. But I also wouldn’t mind having Sonos’ in-ceiling speakers.

Enak ya ngayal.

Click here to buy

Editorial Staff


Dries Van Noten Louis Patterned Knee High Boots (say that 5 times?!?)


I have calves of fury, so granted, this might never fit me properly. But HEY, I am allowed to be delusional every once in a while. Look at her!!!!!! Jadi kangen jalan-jalan. SHE’S BEAUTIFUL, SHE’S GORGEOUS! So am I!! (?) … once I figure out how to fit into them!!!!! 

Click here to buy

Art Director


Geluk Studio ceramic oil burner


Uhhh if I just got this, does this count as a wishlist? Anyway I’ve been thinking about getting a proper oil burner to **enhance** the atmosphere in my room for months. I’ve been delaying the purchase because I actually made my own ceramic oil burner months ago but the object is currently stuck in the workshop since the pandemic. 

Dan akhirnya gue weekend kemarin beli oil burner dari Geluk Studio dengan motif Batu Licin! Semoga secakep di foto. Kata Nana, kalo punya candles yang wax-nya masih sisa tapi sumbunya udah abis, bisa dikerok trus dilelehin di oil burner ini moms. Markicob!

Click here to buy

Graphic Design


 Real Estate


It’s a little bit out of reach, but I can’t think of anything else other than getting a house or an apartment. The first few months of the pandemic made me realize how I long for a space of my own, a total independence, and a fashionable one at that. My Instagram explore page has been filled with interior design contents, and real estate ads keep popping up on my timeline… so I guess being in my mid 20s means I’ve got bigger goals to achieve other than a bottega veneta handbag. Financially, I still have a LONG LONG way to go (let’s be real, I might not be able to afford one in the next 10 years) but hey, a girl can dream right? A city apartment, with a kitchen island…wish me luck.

Graphic Design


Spam Book


THE ULTIMATE SPAM BOOK. Back when I lived in San Fran, my roommate and I would try to make fancy meals out of spam everytime we got nothing else to eat. You name it, pasta, rice, sushi, Korean food, Hawaiian musubi, they were honestly great lol. Ok spam is not good for you (but you want it anyway!) and we probably can’t eat it  all the time, but hey while we’re still on lockdown, might as well give some of these recipes a go!

Click here to buy

Marketing & Partnerships


Victoria Cast Iron Skillet Large Frying Pan


Di masa dimana semua hal tidak bisa diprediksi, terkadang kita butuh berpegang pada suatu hal yang absolut, tidak mungkin mengecewakan, dan bisa diandalkan dalam jangka panjang. Nah, konon, the best cast-iron skillets will stay with us for a lifetime, selain itu, cast-iron skillet juga bisa digunakan untuk memasak berbagai macam masakan, serta yang terpenting, this thing is is basically indestructible. Setelah sekian lama baca dan nonton review-review produk, skillet keluaran merk Victoria ini terkenal bagus banget, bahkan katanya semakin sering digunakan malah bikin pan-nya semakin bagus. Let’s face it, our life is too short to spend it on soaking our frying pan overnight, just after trying to fry an omelette, jadi mari kita investasi ya, moms.whiteboardjournal, logo