Efek Rumah Kaca Presents “Imagined 2020”
Expression of good-intentions.

Being one of the highly-acclaimed musical acts for I Don’t Give A Fest, a multiplatform streaming festival which boasts the freshest music acts, comedy and talks, Efek Rumah Kaca has brought Sal Priadi to the stage as their collaborator.
To get you prepared for their show, they’ve curated a playlist for you. “Expression of good-intentions and liberating in a way to respond this year’s condition that is really challenging. Some are satirical—don’t dream it’s over, ambivalence, etc. But as the world turns, surely, the moment will elate (once again).”
Catch their performance on I DON’T GIVE A FEST (IDGAF), a multiplatform streaming festival which will be broadcast on 6 platforms, Pop Hari Ini, USS Feeds, Samara Live, IDN Times, Majelis Lucu Indonesia, and Whiteboard Journal on 19-27 December 2020.