Things We Like: You Should Watch This
Kumpulan film dan TV series favorit kami.

Pada “Things We Like” kali ini, kami kembali meng-highlight salah satu aktivitas favorit semasa work from home, yaitu rutin menonton kembali tayangan favorit. Oleh karena itu, kami mengumpulkan sederet film hingga tv series pilihan tim Whiteboard Journal. Dari film dan series animasi yang kini sudah tayang di Netflix, film horor klasik hingga drama musikal, berikut adalah beberapa pilihan kami.
Editorial Staff
The Baby-Sitters Club
Ringan dan nyaman buat ditonton pas weekend. Apalagi kalau habis nonton “JU-ON: Origins” yang timeline-nya ngebingungin.
Honorary mention: “After Life”. Ada di Netflix juga dan yang bikin Ricky Gervais. Kocak tapi sinis hahaha.
Editorial Staff
Carole and Tuesday
Stumbled on this anime by accident, and now I can’t stop. It tells a story of two different women from different backgrounds who meet through their shared love of music and decide to perform as a duo, hence the name Carole and Tuesday. What makes it more interesting is that it’s set in Mars, since our society has progressed significantly and most of humanity has taken refuge in the neighboring planet. Also, they’re living in a world where most pop culture products were made by algorithms (!!!).
It’s simple and sweet, has a superb soundtrack (it has Thundercat in it!!!), and great world design. What more could you ask for?
Editorial Staff
If we were to talk about which Ghibli film I enjoyed most, it would not be this film, HOWEVER this made the most SENSE. I remember watching this very-very sporadically as a child, and thinking like, damn Howl is hot as fuck. But since I was, again… a child, didn’t think much of it, but always had him at the back of my mind. Long story short, forgot I ever watched this film. Then I rewatched it not too long ago, and I REMEMBERED the long hair and the green earrings. As I watched this film, and look back at my dating life (lol)… and remember how much Howl’s face spoke to my SOUL… it all started to make sense.
Heart Attack
Society (1989)
One of the weirdest horror movies I’ve ever seen all my life; as if “Videodrome”, “Brain Dead” and “90210” are splattered into one nasty plate. This is hysterical, perverse, satirical & goofy at its best. As a directorial debut, this one holds up in the classic list of mid to late 80s horror. Would not recommend watching this while you’re on your meal.
Art Director
How does a bastard, orphan, son of a whore… consume the entire world this weekend???
I don’t need to tell you what Hamilton is about. I just need to confess that I know roughly 50% of the words to every song in this musical about America’s founding father and I almost-cried at every song in the second half. If you have only heard the songs (at least 500 times = me), this is where you finally see how the stage production’s resilience matches the music’s tactical practical brilliance! (see what I did there? those were lyrics LOL)
Also I’m looking for an Eliza and a Peggy to practice the Schuyler sisters’ number with me. Let’s put on some gowns, snap our fingers, and WERK!
Graphic Design
Honey & Clover
Pertama kali nonton “Honey & Clover” itu pas masih SD, ketika masih sering pasang channel Animax di TV. Nempel banget di gue karena kocak, dan juga gue suka banget sama gaya gambar anime-nya. Cut to my uni days, I had a LOT of time to kill and I somehow stumbled upon it again. Oh how it hits differently. It’s essentially a slice of life comedy that tells the story of a group of friends who goes to the same art college, but also, it often raises the theme of unrequited love throughout their 2 seasons. The story deals with real emotions presented in a very gentle and friendly manner. I remember I felt down everytime I watched an episode, just because it felt so real. I think Honey & Clover shaped the person I am today. (lol but seriously.)
Honestly I don’t think my short description would do it any justice. Just go ahead and watch it yourself.
Graphic Design
The most emotional movie yang pernah ditonton. Sedih dan nyesek, sampe kabur tengah film saking ga kuat nontonnya. Mungkin ada yang bisa nonton filmnya sampe selesai terus minta tolong ceritain ending-nya </3
Marketing & Partnerships
Anastasia (1997)
Film animasi ini adalah adaptasi dari cerita nyata kisah hidup the Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia, dimana dia konon berhasil kabur dari pembantaian keluarganya dan berakhir amnesia, lalu dia mencoba mencari jati diri tapi malah ketemu sama con men, dan ujungnya jatuh cinta (tentu saja cerita aslinya tidak seindah ini ya).
Anastasia adalah salah satu film animasi yang gue tonton jutaan kali waktu gue kecil, dan selalu suka sama semua scene dan lagu-lagunya. Kebanyakan pengisi suaranya pun adalah aktris dan aktor jagoan pada masa itu, seperti Meg Ryan, John Cusack, Kirsten Dunst dan Christopher Lloyd. Sekarang, film ini sudah tersedia di Netflix kalau mau nonton, tapi disclaimer, siap-siap nangis ya (colek Feby).
Fun fact, satu hal yang baru gue sadari waktu dewasa adalah ternyata film ini adalah hasil rilisan Fox Animation, bukan Disney lol.
Bamboo Twist
Horrors of Malformed Men (1969)
This movie is quite a trip on insanity, grotesque, psychedelic, sleaze, and bizarro. Based on various elements from the writings of Edogawa Rampo who is famous for “ero guro nansensu” (eroticism, grotesquerie, and the nonsensical) genre (wikipedia, n.d), this film is basically “The Island of Dr. Moreau” on a bad acid trip. Directed by cult director Teruo Ishii, scenes are nonsensical and uneasy to watch but this is one of the defining films in post-war Japanese cinema.