Things We Like: Games


Things We Like: Games

Kumpulan games favorit selama work from home.

by Whiteboard Journal


“Things We Like” kali ini merupakan edisi khusus. Salah satu aktivitas yang kini hampir dilakukan oleh semua orang saat #WFromHome adalah bermain game. Oleh karena itu, kami mengumpulkan sederet games favorit yang selama ini dimainkan selama work from home. Dari Dragon Ball FighterZ, GTA V, hingga The Sims 4,berikut adalah beberapa game pilihan kami.



The Music Lab


I do not have any sort of gaming consoles so my video gaming experience during work from home has either been limited to watching streamers play Mario Maker 2 or tapping my keyboard to make Google’s pixel dinosaur jump whenever my wifi loses its signal. With that being said, I have been playing the games on a website titled The Music Lab. The Music Lab is a Harvard University cognitive science lab studying music, and on their site are a bunch of games that either test your listening abilities or asks your opinion through listening exercises. Basically, The Music Lab is really a bunch of gamified music surveys that helps the department’s research. From testing your music IQ, a top of the charts test, a music-recommending robot, there are a bunch tests that you can participate in to help their research while having a good time – although it is probably not as fun as Animal Crossing. They also publish papers on the website that are very interesting reads. On a serious note, the listening experience can get really interesting with you having to concentrate so you can zero in on a particular sound – it is a music listening exercise that I really enjoy.

Managing Editor


Dragon Ball FighterZ


Selain main Animal Crossing dan FIFA 20 di Switch, sekarang lagi mau nyoba main Dragon Ball FighterZ yang baru beli karena lagi diskon. Sejujurnya nggak terlalu jago main fighting game, pas main nggak terlalu bisa ngapalin move dan combo, lebih ke button masher aja. Untungnya, main Dragon Ball FighterZ nggak perlu jago-jago amat. Jurusnya cukup gampang buat noob. Selain gameplay yang cukup gampang untuk dikuasai, visual yang top notch, salah satu yang dinikmati pas main Dragon Ball FighterZ ini adalah main dengan karakter Gotenks. Salah satu karakter paling lucu di game ini. Mulai dari jurusnya yang kocak (bisa nyembur kameha dari mulut, jurus bom asap berbentuk dirinya, hingga special combo yang bikin musuh jadi bola voli), Gotenks juga punya one liner yang ajaib, salah satunya adalah line saat head to head lawan Kid Buu ini:

“This time you’re toast!. Kiss your pink butt Buhbye!”

Lifestyle Editor


The Sims 4


Gue sebenarnya bukan seorang gamer. Jadi, satu-satunya game yang konstan selalu gue mainin dan menemani hari-hari gue adalah The Sims. Gue main The Sims udah dari SMP, dari The Sims yang pertama sampai sekarang udah masuk ke generasi empat. Sebenarnya secara gameplay, The Sims 4 ini banyak flaw-nya. Tapi, buat soal build mode, The Sims 4 jauh lebih seru dan variatif. Gue akhir-akhir ini malah lebih sering bangun dan renovasi rumah Sims gue dibandingkan main game-nya.

Bulan Juni mendatang, The Sims 4 bakal launching expansion pack baru yang temanya Eco Lifestyle. Di expansion pack ini, selain Sims bisa hidup dengan lebih berkelanjutan lewat home solar panel dan turbin, kabarnya di expansion pack ini bisa bikin liveable rooftop. Menarik dan gak sabar banget buat liat kaya gimana!

Editorial Staff




Finally bought a PS4 since I’ve got nowhere to go, and I’ve been playing GTA V non stop. In fact, just finished all the missions last night. Love just cruising around, stealing cars, crashing things, picking fights, getting chased by cops, spending money on real estate, having nice houses (esp. Franklin’s house), and stuff like that.

Art Director


80 Days


Even for me, I think this game is… nerdy?? 80 Days adalah game yang mirip interactive novel. Kita berperan menjadi asisten dari Phileas Fogg, tokoh utama dari novel Around the World in 80 Days karya Jules Verne. Essentially, kita hanya perlu memilih rute-rute perjalanan, mengatur uang dan biaya ongkos (wkwk) dan isi koper kita. Tapi di tengah-tengah semuanya itu, kita mengalami berbagai petualangan bersama berbagai karakter yang dijumpai di tengah jalan. 

Honestly I cannot explain what made me stay up until 3 AM the first night I played this game. Here’s my final pitch: it is set in a steampunk Victorian world, with walking cities, artificial elephants, and interfering deities so extra nerd points there!!! 

Sidenote: I’ve taken the long way around to pass through Dutch-ruled Batavia, where my character got caught in the midst of the Aceh guerilla revolution, fun times. 

Graphic Design


Bioshock Trilogy


This is not a game, this is art in the form of a video game. Bioshock latest series released in 2014 (Bioshock Infinite) and i still remember how mind blowing their storyline is. Bioshock hits hard with their narrative, immersive environment, and it’s believable world building. The gameplay is quite clunky, but you’re not here for the gameplay, you play Bioshock for the story. I can say with confidence that, Bioshock is the best trilogy game in the whole world (maybe this is too exaggerated, but, but definitely one of the best video game of all time).

I’ve been playing Bioshock lately because Steam have a sale on their remastered version. And I guess, it’s time to visit old Rapture again with a wrench in hand, and plasmid in another., logo