Things We Like: Dari Minggu Kelima Oktober


Things We Like: Dari Minggu Kelima Oktober

Graphic novel, musik, hingga podcast yang kami sukai.

by Whiteboard Journal


Kembali lagi dengan “Things We Like”! Di dalam program ini, kami mengumpulkan hal-hal yang sedang disukai oleh tim Whiteboard Journal berikut alasannya. Dari graphic novel tentang Joker, podcast yang di-host oleh Nadiem Makarim, karakter favorit dari serial TV “Succession” hingga mix terbaru dari Floating Points, berikut adalah “Things We Like” dari minggu kelima Oktober.

Managing Editor


Batman The Killing Joke


Sampai sekarang belum sempet nonton film “Joker”-nya Joaquin Phoenix, untuk mengejar ketertinggalan baca-baca komentar yang udah nonton. Ada yang bilang kalo dibanding film ini, komik “The Killing Joke” sebenarnya mengangkat sosok Joker lebih baik dan ampuh dibanding yang dilakukan oleh Todd Phillips. 

Setelah baca komiknya, komentar tersebut terasa cukup masuk akal. Di komik ini, kita diajak berempati terhadap sosok Joker, sekaligus merinding di saat yang sama atas kekejian yang dia buat. Dan, yang bikin ini semakin ngeri adalah gambarannya yang cukup realis – alias bisa dipercaya. Bahwa realita, kadang membawa kita ke pojokan tergelap yang bahkan setan enggan jamahi. 

Kalo males baca, tonton versi animasinya yang cukup literal dalam menerjemahkan cerita dari lembar-lembar komiknya. Ditambah satu twist sensasional yang nggak terlalu perlu, tapi jadi mayan bikin kaget. 

Editorial Staff


GO FIGURE Episode 1


Sejak berita Nadiem Makarim ditunjuk jadi Mendikbud, gw jadi kepo dia. Gw pun iseng search Gojek di Spotify dan ternyata ada podcast namanya “GO FIGURE”, hosted by Nadiem.

Walau audionya jelek (tamu ngomong jauh dari mic), tapi kontennya insightful banget dan Nadiem jenius sih. Eloquent pula. Terus, di episode 1 ada statement yang bikin gw mikir. Intinya adalah in order to make your growing company works efficiently, you need to start finding people who you think can be better than you. But a lot of people see hiring as a subordinate activity instead of hiring someone to eventually replace them – and for someone to replace them, they have to have the potential to be better than them. Because having somebody who has more experience than you; or either you can learn from, is actually gonna be valuable. 

Dari podcast itu gw jadi mikir, “EH BENER JUGA SIH” (baca pake suara Reza Chandika). Finding high-quality talent is HARD because the challenge is to get the right teammates who can set & hit the goal together in the long run, while at the same time facing the ever-changing trends. 

People change, trend shifts, company adapts. ANJAY!

Editorial Staff


Floating Points takeover w/ Jamie XX, Caribou, Mafalda, Elkka, Ben UFO, Layla, Midland, Pearson Sound, Ge-ology, Seiji Ono & More


Ini dia B2B+++++ yang dicari.

Editorial Staff


Roman Roy from Succession 


This dude is batshit crazy, he just doesn’t give a shit. Such a trainwreck of a character but you can’t help but love him and his iconic one liners. Buckle up fuckleheads. 

Art Director




I went to bed last Friday with an impulsive idea to take a walk on Saturday morning. Failed and overslept. So I reprimanded myself and steeled my Taurus willpower to wake up early on Sunday. I did. And I’m glad I did.

I needed the walk because my brain needed the endorphins, and because my neck & my back were crying in distress. So I put on a podcast (Hurry Slowly S01E13: “Walking is the Best Way to Go Slow”) and pushed my butt out the door at around 7.45 AM.

I walked around the neighborhood, past the houses I’ve known my entire life. I stopped at the park (RPTRA Kelapa Nias IX), watched a young dad play basketball with his toddler, and took photos of colorful park benches. I admired and sneered at people’s renovated houses. After half an hour, I walked back home, sweaty but refreshed.

Think I’m gonna do it again this weekend.

Graphic Designer


Bubur ayam special abonkoya – ENJOY AJA


Kalo kalian tipe pemakan bubur dengan kerupuk yang dicampur/pecinta bubur Cianjur dan telur kampung setengah matang, INI ADALAH JAWABANNYA! Berposisi di Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan, dekat SMPN 86 belakang Total Buah Fatmawati. Gurih, manis dan pedas dengan texture kerupuk + daun bawang + bawang goreng yang diaduk huhuhuu love….

Bamboo Twist


Arla Lactose-Free Cream Cheese


Bought it a few times at Kemchicks and it’s sold out at the moment. Taste-wise, just like the actual cream cheese that I’ve not had for many, many years. Not vegan though since it’s still cheese (sans the lactose). Always thought that lactose free = vegan, but not. Spread it on toast with some honey (also not vegan) and it’s the best thing ever that’s on a sliced bread.

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