Things We Dislike: Worst of 2020

Human Interest

Things We Dislike: Worst of 2020

Merangkum hal-hal yang tidak kami sukai di tahun 2020.

by Whiteboard Journal


Melihat tahun 2020 yang sebentar lagi usai, kini saatnya untuk refleksi diri. Untuk melihat kembali hal-hal yang telah terjadi dan mengevaluasinya untuk tahun depan yang lebih baik. Sebagai kebalikan dari konten “Things We Like”, kami mengumpulkan hal-hal yang tidak disukai oleh tim Whiteboard Journal berikut alasannya – karena seperti yang kita semua ketahui, tidak semua hal di tahun ini indah.

Editorial Staff


2020 In General


Capek banget mental gw. Emosi naik turun hampir tiap minggu. Untungnya masih bisa kerja sih karena distraksi gw supaya nggak menghadapi emosi gw adalah dengan bekerja haha. Bokap meninggal mendadak pula, trus peran gw dalam keluarga berubah. Sejak itu waktu sehari-hari rasanya berjalan lama banget.

Untung gw kecemplung K-Pop jadi ada hal yang bikin happy. Rasanya pengen jadi K-Pop idol aja gitu. Walau capek jadi trainee bertahun-tahun trus pas debut jadwal padat harus hapalin koreo dan lagu tapi kan gemes bisa jalin kebersamaan dengan sesama member hahaha halu.

Semoga 2021 lebih baik karena 2020 gw udah capek dan mikir aneh-aneh.

Nih tonton aja video bias gw di NCT: Johnny.

Editorial Staff


Missed Opportunities


Obviously the same as everyone else on Earth right now, 2020 has been a clusterfuck. Plans were postponed/cancelled, goals were eventually not met, we had to readjust with how we live and the conditions we’re in and many other disappointments.

Since travel plans were obviously never going to happen any time soon, opportunities that had come upon us Pre-Corona were missed. I was so excited to spend 2020 doing Things, but unfortunately I felt like I had spent 2020 not doing anything worth noting. At least I’ve tried.

Editorial Staff


Losing Cottontail


After 18 beautiful years together, my cat Cottontail passed away this year. It was peaceful, he wasn’t in pain, he was just really, really old. Like any grumpy old grandpas, he was fussy about his food and was obsessed with sitting on the porch to bask in the sun. He loved sniffing around and chilling on the grass and I loved watching him. I genuinely thought he would outlive all of us. 

When I first moved into this house from the old one, I refused to leave the house without him, I was around 6  or 7 at the time. Through all the anxieties and change that comes with growing up, he was the only constant in my life. He was legendary. 

Love you friend, so long. 

Art Director


The Start of 2020


Contrary to the rest of the world, the worst part of my 2020 happened in January. My dad had to get 2 surgeries (fell down, broke his hip, etc), house was flooded on NEW YEARS DAY, spent the first week of 2020 partially submerged in water… honestly when the pandemic hit, I personally felt like the world finally was catching up to my already shitty year. It’s okay. We’re okay.

Graphic Design


Emotional Roller Coaster


2020. What a year huhh. A year full of uncertainty that leads to overthinking and constantly being anxious. Capek. Banget. This year has been such an emotional roller coaster. Selalu adaaaa aja hal yang bikin pusing lah, capek lah, anxious laaaah, the list goes on and on. HHH. Well, at least I’ve done my best for this year. I think.

Graphic Design


Condescending Friend


Bersama dengan progresi 2020, gue belajar bahwa temen SMA gue adalah orang yang sangat kacau (baca: toxic) dan grup gue baru menyadari ini karena selama ini kita berpikir terlalu positif tentang dia. Secara literal, dia meneriaki dan merendahkan gue dan temen 1 grup gue. Meskipun secara online, tetap saja itu adalah red flag yang harus dihindari (dan kita pun sudah berupaya menyadarkan dia tentang hal ini to no avail). Puluhan hari sabtu dan minggu terasa hancur karena 1orang tersebut. Bekerja terasa lebih menyenangkan dibanding harus ngadepin orang itu. Shitty people go brrr, no change go bye bye. Bahkan “karen” lebih better dibanding dia

Graphic Design


The Unknown


Reflecting back to when this pandemic started, it’s crazy how everything changed. Who knew that 2020 was going to turn into what it feels like an apocalypse? Starting from our surroundings, routine, the way we dress, or most importantly the way see and think, it’s all changed. Well, we’ve driven too far into this unknown road, bumps here and there, maybe one or two detour, but hey there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. Stepping into the unknown is scary, trust the process, make every moment count, and things will be just fine. 

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A lot of things.


There are too many things to dislike this year, I can’t really choose which one is the worst one.whiteboardjournal, logo