Things We Like: Dari Minggu Kedua Februari


Things We Like: Dari Minggu Kedua Februari

Film, makanan hingga musik yang kami sukai.

by Whiteboard Journal


Kembali lagi dengan “Things We Like”. Di dalam program ini, kami mengumpulkan hal-hal yang sedang disukai oleh tim Whiteboard Journal berikut alasannya. Dari beberapa film yang mendapat nominasi Oscar, album terbaru Tame Impala hingga makanan yang cocok disantap saat hujan, berikut adalah “Things We Like” dari minggu kedua Februari.

Managing Editor


Little Women


Biasanya kurang suka film dengan setting zaman-zaman lama gini, cuma pengen nonton gara-gara Greta Gerwig. Banyak ekspektasi di kepala, tapi tidak menyangka sama sekali bahwa filmnya akan sehangat ini. Sebuah pelipur lara di awal tahun yang serba dingin dan mencekam ini. Nonton ini seperti dibuat kembali percaya akan kemanusiaan, tentang keluarga, dan tentang kebaikan. Terdengar utopis memang, tapi kadang kita perlu diajarkan kembali untuk bermimpi saat kenyataan telah menginjak kepala kita di keseharian. Dan, siapa yang lebih baik untuk mengajarkan soal itu daripada Saoirse Ronan? Nonton ini seperti dipeluk hangat oleh Greta Gerwig di tengah badai virus Corona. 

Editorial Staff


Little Women (2020)


Belum pernah nonton “Little Women” versi Winona Ryder, jadi pas nonton yang disutradarai Greta Gerwig benar-benar fresh – nggak ada pembanding. Menurut gw film ini agak overpromising ya karena cast (TIMOTHEE CHALAMET MY LORD), trailer editing dan promonya. Karena setelah nonton tuh berasa script/editing dibuat buru-buru di akhir film. Kayak asik nulis/edit tapi tiba-tiba sadar kalau deadline-nya besok. 

Ini film yang heartwarming sih dari segi dialog dan warna. Adegan Jo di loteng pas curhat sama Marmee lumayan tuh bikin nangis. Overall, film ini indah & segar buat ditonton tapi; buat gw pribadi, belum sekuat itu untuk bisa memercik dialog. Semoga Greta tiap tahun bikin film!

Editorial Staff


Max Siedentopf’s “How-To Survive A Deadly Global Virus” Series


He might be best known as the artist who set up an installation playing Toto’s “Africa” on loop for all eternity in the Namib desert, but he’s constantly put out works that are quirky and very on-brand for him. While his recent work for Gucci might be in the spotlight, “How-To Survive A Deadly Global Virus” does it for me.

Editorial Staff


Jojo Rabbit 


Very feel-good movie yang kalau ditonton gak perlu mikir banyak, you just need to follow whatever is happening on screen, it’s one of those films that suck you in completely. I mean, how can it not! The visuals are gorg, Scarlett Johansson’s costumes are **chef’s kiss**, great acting from the kids and also… YORKI. Banyak momen-momen ngehe, tapi bisa touching, sedih dan socially aware juga. It’s what you’d hope a racially sensitive satire could be – funny, cukup tolol and woke without all the PC bullshit. A lot of people fear that this movie is too ‘controversial’ and that most people won’t get the message, I don’t have a say in that other than, I hope people can see it for what it actually is – a film that urges you to be more tolerant with each other. 

Best line:

A Jew!


Art Director


Marriage Story


Still catching up on Oscar nominated movies! Akhirnya berhasil menyiapkan my mental state untuk nonton film ini, tadinya kan takut sedih 🙁 

Sedih siih (I cried at the end almost as if on cue), tapi worry not, we are in good hands. Noah Baumbach’s hands that is! Right from the start, we can intimately sense the writer/director’s touch. Film ini seperti sudah dirancang dan diedit dengan supertight, as if there was not a single shot that didn’t need to be there–but it never lost its humanity and heart (unlike some Wes Anderson movies if ya know what I mean).

Thoughtful cuts accompanied by dizzyingly beautiful score, light-hearted humor that sparks from how the characters are crafted… all of these are doled out in perfectly-sized portions and in perfectly-timed intervals. This film **deserved** my tears.

[Unpopular opinion: I don’t think Laura Dern’s performance was *that* Oscar-worthy, ya gak sih??? Renata Kline FTW.]

Graphic Design


Slow Rush – Tame Impala


YAAASS!! The long awaited new album from Tame Impala is finally hereeeee! Thank you, Kevin Parker.

Graphic Design


The Holy Matrimony


I have arrived at that point in my life where EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON. Is getting married! Even my best friends are getting married!! So surreal! Sure, at first I felt the pressure–you know, to ask the ultimate question in a relationship, “where is this going?” and all that crap. But I got over it, and to be honest it’s beside the point. 

The point is!!!! Marriage is such a lovely thing! I realize it’s such a big commitment, that when the people dearest to you DO get married, you can feel just how big their love is for each other. I get the chillz just thinking about it. Ahhh I wish all of yous that’s married or is about to get married all the best on your future endeavors. Happy wedding D&D also J&K (my dearest friends), I love you guys.

Graphic Design


Kurzgesagt – Optimistic Nihilism


These last few months after breaking up, I found myself in a pretty bleak phase in life and everything seems meaningless without her to the point that I want to end it all. (yes it’s lebay I know)

But I remember that there’s an optimistic nihilism view, proposed by Kurzgesagt. “Human existence is scary and confusing. It seems very unlikely that trillion and trillions of stars have been made just for us. We become self aware and know that nothing we will do ever matter in the end. But, if the universe will end in a heat death, then every mistake you made will not matter too in the end. If the universe has no purpose, then we get to dictate what it is. We get to experience feelings, foods, and be with other people. We are truly free in this universe-sized playground. If this is our one shot at life, there’s no reason not to have fun, bonus points if you helped progress humanity and the galactic human empire. You get to decide it all”

And with this video. It changed me little by little from floating by in life, to enjoy every little thing I can. And there are still so many things for me to do. It is not my time, yet.

Marketing & Partnerships


Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup


Buku non-fiksi ini menceritakan the rise and fall of Theranos, salah satu tech-startup unicorn terobosan Silicon Valley, yang sempat menghebohkan karena penemuan mereka yang cukup mind blowingly breakthrough, tapi akhirnya harus ditutup karena kasus fraud and conspiracy.

SERU BANGET GILA BACANYA SAMPE DEG-DEGAN, rasanya kayak lagi baca novel drama-thriller. Bener-bener langsung ngabisin ¼ buku dalam 2 jam. Pas baca agak shooketh pas tahu betapa fucked up-nya perusahaan ini dari awal, tapi masih bisa survive sejauh itu dan dapetin investor sebanyak itu. Cara storytelling-nya pun bikin yang baca tegang terus.

Bamboo Twist


Ronde Jahe Gardujati, Bandung


Kemaren pas ke Bandung, dibawa sama teh Boit ke kedai Ronde Jahe ini, sebelah bola-bola ubi. Mang-mangnya pake seragam ijo. Nyobain Ronde Jahe Soya. Enak banget! Sendokan pertama jangan terlalu napsu karena jahenya kerasa banget. Bisa langsung batuk-batuk. Susu kacangnya bikin teksturnya jadi lebih milky/tebel. Ada juga ronde jahe kembang tahu tapi lagi abis pas malem itu. Pas banget buat malem-malem abis ujan. whiteboardjournal, logo
