Gareth Evans Pre Vis Action Short Film


Gareth Evans Pre Vis Action Short Film

by Ken Jenie


Note: This video is unable to be embedded, so you can watch it on Youtube via this link (click here).

Gareth Evans, the man who brought us The Raid and The Raid 2, has just published a short action sequence film on Youtube this Monday (25 Jan 2016). Featuring actors Hannah Al Rashid, Yayan Ruhian and Cecep Arif Rahman, Pre Vis Action is a samurai fighting piece taking place in the woods (shot in Wales). The black and white short film is action packed and full of dramatic moments akin to samurai films, but with choreography reminiscent current martial arts cinema.

According to a tweet by Gareth Evans, the cast was visiting him in Wales and they decided to test out some choreography ideas he had.

Is this a sign of what is coming next from Gareth Evans? We don’t know, but it looks like it could be a promising endeavor.whiteboardjournal, logo