Groovin with Thomas Von Party
If you’re familiar with Multi Culti Transmission, you better recognize Thomas Von Party mentions the words “groove” and “epic” quite a lot during the sessions.

Photo: Thomas Von Party
If you’re familiar with Multi Culti Transmission, you better recognize Thomas Von Party mentions the words “groove” and “epic” quite a lot during the sessions. We think it’s suitable for him since himself and his label, Multi Culti, has been producing and signing great songs to trip to. Long story short, after his partner in label, Dreems came to Jakarta in September 2017, Von Party is coming too for Dekadenz, this weekend. Beside his full schedule, he made time to answer this mini interview where we talk about his radio voice, Datcha, to his primal attraction in music.
First thing first, how did you end up partnered with Dreems in Multi Culti?
My brother and Dan from Bang Gang became great friends, so our worlds collided in the latter phases of the electroclash era (laugh). We made each laugh constantly, and there was also a deep sense of alignment on music, philosophy, food, fashion and lifestyle.
Multi Culti Transmission is basically a program where you play set of eclectic music with personal commentary. There are times when you discover great music, like DJ Oil, and played it in it. As a producer and DJ, does this program helps you to grow productively?
It’s been fun. It’s nice to have a way to share music that isn’t tied to a party, like regular DJing. It’s personal. I like talking and while it’s I’m not always brilliant, or even coherent, occasionally I say things which get through to people, far and wide, which is amazing.
Were you initially a radio announcer before starting Multi Culti Transmission? Because you have such radio voice.
Thanks, I’m flattered! Like most people, I think my own voice sounds ridiculous. I did a little college radio thing for a couple of years.
You opened Datcha in 2014 and it has been shredding the Montreal club scene ever since. How wild is Montreal nightlife through your perspective as a club owner and DJ?
It does get wild, in its way… it’s not a proper megacity, it can feel quite small, but there is a surprising amount of music happening, both produced and consumed. There’s a very developed culture around electronic music in particular, and remarkably so by North American standards. I love Montreal!
Running the club has deepened my connection to the city and we’ve had amazing times there but I’d be lying if I told you things ever got THAT wild. Bars have to close at 3am so it always goes berserk for like 2 hours and then everyone goes to an afterparty or home.
You grew with the culture of digging because of your dad. Has the vibe of Multi Culti always been there through your sensibility towards music?
I had the good fortune to be exposed to a lot of great music through my dad as a kid, and then my brother, as an adolescent. Between the two of them, a lot of ground was covered, but I also credit my moms taste in music as a reference for Multi Culti because she loved Indian music, reggae, and all those soulful, vibey house party kinds of records. None of us played instruments in any serious way, but it was definitely a musical household.
Dreems was here in September 2017 and he tried to eat as many food as he can while in Jakarta. What about you – what will you do during your visit here?
Find out the best things he ate and eat them. Soak up some culture, maybe dig around for some fabrics and decorations – I love shopping while on tour in new places.
What’s your deep primal attraction in music that we need to know?
As a DJ? GROOVE. Getting deep into a wiggly rhythm – truly, totally trancing out.
As a listener, my tastes get less primal, they even get poetic… It’s all about reliving memory, exciting the imagination – aligning the mind.
Find out top 5 remixes according to him on this page.