Things We Like: Dari Minggu Ketiga Februari


Things We Like: Dari Minggu Ketiga Februari

TV series, musik hingga podcast yang kami sukai.

by Whiteboard Journal


Kembali lagi dengan “Things We Like”. Di dalam program ini, kami mengumpulkan hal-hal yang sedang disukai oleh tim Whiteboard Journal berikut alasannya. Dari podcast yang membahas soal skena emo, docuseries soal tim cheerleader, serial TV terbaru yang diperankan oleh Zoe Kravitz hingga unreleased track dari Earl Sweatshirt, berikut adalah “Things We Like” dari minggu ketiga Februari.

Managing Editor




Sejujurnya, sampai sekarang jarang banget dengerin podcast. Paling masih dalam hitungan jari, itu pun jarang yang sampai tuntas. Tapi belakangan sedang agak jenuh dengerin lagu, dan muncul rekomendasi untuk dengerin Washed Up Emo. Tertarik karena di episode terbaru mereka ajakin salah satu idola pas kuliah, Guy Picciotto (Rites of Spring, Fugazi), di situ diajak untuk menyelami scene hardcore DC dan tentang bagaimana term emo lahir. Abis itu jadi lanjut denger episode bareng Ian MacKaye, dan di situ belajar banyak soal pengarsipan. Dan dari situ juga jadi tahu kalo Ian MacKaye ini sepertinya orangnya agak kolot dan jadul (dia nggak punya smartphone), tapi mungkin memang harus begitu. 

Managing Editor




Akhir-akhir ini gue suka nonton serial TV pas lagi siap-siap di pagi hari. Dan, seminggu ini gue lagi binge watch “Cheer”, docuseries tentang jatuh bangunnya squad cheerleader tingkat universitas, Navarro College, ketika berkompetisi di National Cheerleaders Association Championship di Daytona Beach, Florida. Yang menarik dalam serial ini bukan cuma soal perjuangan dan dedikasi Navarro College terhadap dunia cheerleading, tapi juga soal bagaimana mereka membangun tim yang positif banget dan saling mendukung satu sama lain. Misalnya dengan “Mat Talk”, yaitu memberikan semangat untuk teman satu tim yang sedang perform. Karakter yang ada di serial TV ini juga sangat lovable. My favorite one is Jerry as he gives THE BEST “Mat Talk” of all!

Rasanya juga pas banget nonton ini pas lagi siap-siap sebelum berangkat kantor. Itung-itung kaya kaya lagi disemangatin sama satu squad cheerleaders sebelum berangkat ke kantor! Hahaha.

Editorial Staff


Little Women (2020)


Volume 3 udah ada di Netflix. Semalem nonton tapi ketiduran, sisa 2 episode lagi. Laper lah pokoknya kalau nonton ini. Roy Choi sekarang sukses ya buat restoran di Vegas dan isi menunya simple – ada di episode “Best Friend”. Gw kalau udah financially independent, mau punya dapur kayak Jon dan hobi buat roti juga ah.

Editorial Staff


Where’s My Juul?? feat. Lil Mariko


Would like to thank Emma for this one. Both song and music video is equally absurd, it talks about the things I fully relate to (Where the hell is my Juul?), it has a solid screamo in it, and also it’s catchy as hell. 

This is the kind of song I wish I’d have written if I was a musician or something.

Editorial Staff


What We Do In The Shadows


I am… in a Taika Waititi phase in my life. Ini film tertolol yang pernah gue tonton and I looove it. 

Gue lumayan sadar kalo Taika reminds me a lot of Ken, I mean the hair and the jokes are pretty similar hahaha.

Next on my list: Boy (pals w daddy issues where y’all at? lol) 

Graphic Design


High Fidelity


Truth be told, I’ve only gotten around to watching the first episode. But!! I have high hopes for this TV reincarnation of my favorite John Cusack movie. Fun fact, Lisa Bonet had a role in the movie adaptation, and now Zoe Kravitz–her daughter–is the leading lady of this series! Cute. I don’t want to say too much because I’ve only witnessed the tip of the iceberg, but I’m excited!

Graphic Design


Archipel – Hiroyuki Takei


Growing up, while other kids are reading The Big 3 from Shōnen Jump. I grew up reading Hiroyuki Takei’s work. Mainly, Butsu Zone and Shaman King. Takei’s work always has a great premise for his mangas. Good vs Evil personified in Karakuri dojo, The power of the soul in Shaman King, and Construction heavy tools as a superpower. But sadly, he’s not popular and some of his works got discontinued because of the lack in popularity. I wished he got some recognition for his works. And through this video, it opened a flood of nostalgia within me. First, I’m really happy that someone (Archipel) decided to make a short documentary about him, and second. It feels great to know that there are others like me who want Takei to create another masterpiece again just like Shaman King. In the video, He said that he is in progress of creating another work. And until that day comes. I’ll patiently wait in contempt.

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Earl Sweatshirt – Blessings (Unreleased)


Bagus banget guys, gue gatau lagi mau komentar apa.

Semoga masuk album-nya yang akan datang ya, Aamin.whiteboardjournal, logo