W_LIST: Best Songs of 2024
Dua puluh lagu terbaik dari tahun 2024 pilihan redaksi Whiteboard Journal.
Dua puluh lagu terbaik dari tahun 2024 pilihan redaksi Whiteboard Journal.
During Joyland Festival Jakarta 2024, we conversed with Surprise Chef to discuss about how living together impacts their creative processes, being among the roster of one of the big honchos of contemporary soul music, and their house cat: The Fabulous Baby Huey.
Amidst his committed schedule at JAFF-19, we met with Tsai Ming-Liang for a brief yet insightful interview on filmmaking, Abiding Nowhere, and the role of art museums in films today.
Dalam submisi Open Column ini, Julia Prabarani menginvestigasi dan mengeksplor segala yang bersangkutan dengan ciu Bekonang—dari sejarah hingga pabrik dan relasi kuasa pemilik modal–tenaga kerja di dalamnya.
In Joyland Festival Jakarta 2024, we had a chat with Masaya Fantasista and Mikey Varot of Jazzy Sport on topics like their friends over in Indonesia, up to the philosophy embedded in the soul of Jazzy Sport.
Just after their set in Joyland Festival Jakarta 2024, we had a quick chat with Khun Narin Electric Phin Band on topics like the molam sounds, the adapted traditional Thai music, to what he sees from his music.
We had a chat with the Americana band of brothers, L.A. Edwards, around topics like the band's evolution, their latest album, and the challenges in maintaining a music career as a band in the midst of solo artists topping the charts.
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